
Tips to prevent your Tattoos from Fading!

Posted by Disha Singh on April 18, 2008
Guy Aitchinson’s Arm Tattoo

(A tattoo by Guy Aitchison)

Fading tattoos become a cause of worry on our face. 🙁 After spending a huge amount to get a tattoo design etched on our skin it gets really very painful to see that tattoo fading.

You can blame your tattooist for this tattoo fading to some extent but it can be your fault also. Yes, your fault of not giving proper aftercare to the tattoo and tattooist’s fault of not placing the pigment in appropriate layer of skin.

There are many reasons behind the fading of tattoos and you should take care of these things: 💡

  • Check that your tattoo artist does not place the pigment on the epidermis, as this constantly sheds dead skin cells to make room for new skin cells. The pigment should penetrate into the middle layer of the skin. Even the middle layer rejuvenate its cells but developing a healthier eating habits help to supply your skin with the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants so that it remain youthful and slows down the process of regeneration of new skin cells.
  • Proper care for about 3-4 weeks is required by a new tattoo. Timely moisturizing and application of ointment is necessary because this will avoid scabbing as scabbing can pull up some of the pigments.
  • Like our skin even our tattoos need good protection from sun rays. As sun’s powerful ultraviolet rays break down our skin and cause wrinkles similarly they can break down the pigments used to color our tattoos. Therefore, application of liberal amount of SPF sunscreen lotion is recommended on the tattoo wherever you move out in sun or go for swimming. In case of swimming and sweating remember to reapply sunscreen lotion over the tattoo.
  • Selection of colors is another factor responsible for the fading of a tattoo. Keep in mind that dark colors like black, blue and greys are more resistant to fading than other colors like red, orange, yellow, purple, magenta, etc.

🙂 So, friends I hope these tips were helpful to you and you’ll always keep them in mind. 🙂


A True Graphic Designer Tattoo

Posted by Disha Singh on January 22, 2008
Square tattoo on forearm

We are always in a search of a tattoo, which reflects at least some portion of our personality or has some significance in our life. Ragnar Freyr got this square tattoo inked at Eternal Tattos in Clawson, Michigan. It was his first tattoo.

He said, “Being a graphic designer I work a lot with squares and as a modernism enthusiast I just had to get one.”

For him, “It’s also a great conversation starter.” And he explained it further by saying, “at one party a girl asked me if it was a real tattoo. I said yes and she replied: “That’s soooo weeiiird!”

He was mocked at when he asked the guys at tattoo parlor for a simple filled square on his forearm. However, he is satisfied and loves his cool tattoo!


Ruler Tattoo

Posted by Disha Singh on December 22, 2007
ruler tattoo

Mikey Sklar has an 8″ ruler tattooed on his right forearm. He uses it to measure everything from measuring PVC diameter to wire lengths as told on Scienceblogs.com.

He is in embedded hardware design and spend his time doing experimental building, transportation and energy these days, therefore, the tattoo gets used daily, he said.


Jeff Johnson adds new Tattoos

Posted by Disha Singh on December 2, 2007
Bio Organic face tattoo

Jeff Johnson of Newbury Park, CA, has updated his tattoo gallery with his fresh work of art.

His tattoos are incredible and I liked his Bio Organic face tattoo on an arm from his latest update. He said,

“I was given alot of artistic freedom with this piece so I had alot of fun with it. A crazy face with tubing and some geo light source.”

The tattoo was done roughly in eight hours.
alex greys inner vision tattoo

While scrolling his full tattoo gallery I came across many other amazing pieces however, I’m adding this Translucent being over an all seeing pyramid tattoo on an arm from his previous works.