
Coffee Benefits 101: Right Amount of Coffee for Daily Use

Posted by Varun Sharma on July 26, 2021

In the times that we live today, our life is full of commitments, responsibilities and to do multiple roles. And, with life moving at a very fast pace there are so many deadlines to meet that maintaining a work-life balance becomes a task. This is when a cup of hot coffee benefits comes to the rescue where you can take a moment to relish and rejuvenate in your busy day.

Coffee is considered to be a great stress buster that can instantly fight sleepiness, alerts the mind and energizes the body. A good cup of freshly brewed coffee is the perfect way to start your day and energize yourself.

Vardish Drinking Coffee

The biggest dilemma which most coffee drinkers face is, how many cups of coffee should one drink that is healthy and beneficial. Several studies and researches have been conducted on the amount of coffee to be consumed and its effects.

There are many coffee benefits such as-

  • It is good for the heart
  • Prevents certain tumours
  • Increases alertness
  • Good for the respiratory system

Variants of Coffee

Coffee benefits also depend on choosing the right amount of caffeine consumption based on the size of the cup and the quantity of black coffee it contains. The way the coffee is prepared, the type of bean used and the brewing method determine the quantity of caffeine which will eventually be consumed.

Coffee comes in several variants, but Robusta and Arabica are the most popular and known. The least amount of caffeine is found in Arabica which is grown in South and Central America. Compared to this Robusta contains caffeine which is almost two times the amount present in Arabica.

Methods of Preparation

The way the coffee is prepared affects caffeine concentration present in it as well as giving essence and flavour to it along with coffee benefits.

Infusion or Immersion Method

In this process, water is heated till it reaches the right temperature after which it is infused with ground coffee till the compounds are released into the water.

The extraction of caffeine depends on the temperature of the water. Some of the coffees prepared by this method are

  • Boiled coffee
  • Cold-brew
  • Turkish coffee
  • French press

Machine Prepared

While preparing this coffee, water is heated in the chamber that is lower which has a different pressure than that of the upper chamber which is open. The heated water rises due to this method and the coffee granules are extracted instantly. This kind of coffee is made in the vacuum coffee maker, the Italian coffee maker and the espresso machine.

Being machine prepared, each cup of coffee has a varied caffeine concentration.

Filtered and Percolated Coffee

The combination of gravity and the high temperature of the water is used to produce coffee in percolators as well as filter coffee. The hot water is slowly allowed to drip in the filter which has ground coffee in it and letting it fall on its own.

Appropriate Caffeine Estimation

The recommended quantity of caffeine which can be consumed in a day is 400 mg. Most of us tend to drink our coffee in the same way and use the same kind of mug or cup, therefore, the best way to keep a track of the caffeine consumption is to make a note of the amount of coffee we use and the number of cups we take in a day.

To calculate an estimated consumption of coffee that is good for everyday use, we can get a fair idea by the method in which it is prepared and the amount of caffeine it contains. For example

  • A small cup of filter coffee has a caffeine concentration of approximately 69.2 mg/100 ml which rounds up to 21 mg of coffee in a cup of 30 ml.
  • Coffee prepared in an espresso machine has a caffeine concentration approximately of 420 mg/100ml which rounds up to 126 mg of coffee in a cup of 30 ml
  • A cup of cold brew has a caffeine concentration of approximately 224mg/100 ml which rounds up to 67 mg of coffee in a cup of 30 ml
  • Coffee brewed in an Italian Mocha pot has a caffeine concentration of approximately 219.2mg/100 ml which rounds up to 66 mg of coffee in a cup of 30 ml
  • A cup of French press coffee has a caffeine concentration of approximately 74.2mg/100 ml which rounds up to 22.5 mg of coffee in a cup of 30 ml

These estimates of the amount of caffeine in each kind of coffee above will help coffee drinkers to consume coffee as per the quantity recommended and not exceed the limit hampering one’s health.

Yes, now you can assess coffee benefits by making an estimate of the number of cups you drink. Enjoy your favourite cup of coffee and begin the day with renewed energy and freshness.