A confession by an Employer

Employer… Boss… are the names which are supposed to be hated for any reason . No matter how reasonable one is but their employees will surely find a reason to unlike them….
Today, I was sitting ideal and sipping a cup of coffee while a line of my another friend stroke my mind, he said “You do anything but the employees will never think of you ever when they get an alluring opportunity…” In my case, I argued with words but could not conquer the battle.
That conversation forced me to write this blog as an confession how it feels to be an employer. An employer like us is someone whose world revolve around his employees they are worried about the health, workload, mental state, comfort, happiness, and anything that hits their employees life. We want to spread happiness and it’s a great feeling to be able to provide employment to someone and give them the opportunity to earn a living. We care but we forget that their is only one bond here and that is monetary!
The conversation with my friend started when I discussed how did that day pass… and how one employee of mine, with whom we stood in his thick and thin and many a times we gave money from our own pocket so that he can be out of the trouble, conveyed that he can will leave (not resign) the job… and reason was that he had recently got a hike. This is not this year but a tantrum of every year. Earlier we revised the scale in order to satisfy him as he was doing his duties very nicely. But this year the work quality has been deteriorating… that day the decision was firm! And then there was a long discussion of he encouraging co-worker to leave the job blah… blah…blah!
Not going deep, into the many other incidences, this was an awakening slap on our face and a proof of my friend’s words.
But still somewhere in my heart I do not fully agree with my friend’s quote, but yeah I cannot totally ignore it too.