Everyday I wake up to do my duties,
Everyday I sleep by doing my duties,
But today there was a silent whisper
In my ears I heard a voice asking me…
Are you aware of your duties towards
Your own-self?
You forget when self becomes selfless
When love become loved-less
When work becomes worked-less
When passion becomes passion-less
There is so much less that you cannot ask for more
There is so much noise that you cannot hear anymore
But this Silent Whisper quietly, very quietly
Leaves its mark, to make me Spark!
I know the love means happiness
I know the love means freedom
I also know the love means understanding
Thou learned so much…
Never we miss a chance to be selfish!
To put restriction, to do this or not to do that
To hurt thy love with thy piercing words
Which penetrate the heart to make it bleed
Still after these words, we sit to say
Darling ‘I Love You’
And my life is nothing without you
But I cannot assure when will I hurt you again
But, Yes your love for me always make me feel trivial
As I try to be jovial
But always fails to be Imperial…