Women’s All Time Favorite Navel Piercing

I know it’s wrong to call navel piercing as females’ favorite only, because even males are poking their abdomen but, it is far more general among women than men. Body piercing is not a new phenomenon that has taken over today’s youth but it has been practiced since ancient times.
However, to talk about navel piercing – the fact is that the true navel is not pierced as for that the person being poked should have an “outy” navel to some degree, which is very rare. Therefore, in most cases the navel piercing is through the upper rim of the navel. Piercing actual navel carries high risk – lest infection in the piercing, it can travel inward to the liver or peritoneum.
Moreover, navel piercing can be a hassle for pregnant ladies because it becomes uncomfortable at the very end of pregnancy, as their abdomens get stiffly stretched causing a pulling sensation. In most cases their practitioner suggests the removal of navel piercing jewelry.
Navel piercing carries same pain like earlobe or nostril piercing but afterwards it would make you feel like a pregnant lady for few days because you’ll have to wear loose-fitted clothing, you won’t be able to bend over well and will have to sit with your rears pushed forward whether you lean on a chair. It is advisable to wear titanium, stainless steel or niobium jewelry in early day of piercing, as these metals promote less infection and gold is not recommended for a fresh piercing because it does not mesh with maximum’s body chemistry.
Remember, always go to a licensed or a well-experienced piercer for your piercing and schedule an appointment when your calendar is clear from all stretchy or strenuous physical activities like dance parties, yoga classes or any sports. During the procedure of navel piercing be focused on your breath and please-please do not try this at home because by doing this you can risk your life like Janaee Smith, a sophomore at Southside High, Greenville of South Carolina, who got her navel pierced from her friend thus, resulting in loss of life.
About and over six months is the time span taken by a navel piercing to be fully healed, the time duration may increase according to a person.
After getting your belly-button pierced by well-apprenticed piercer – the next step is to maintain a strict aftercare regime.
Finally, here is another option to avoid so many dos and donts–wear a fake belly button jewels and be cool. đŸ˜†