Body Craving to replace Tattoos?

These days, more and more individuals are deciding to do something different by leaving a permanent mark – on their own skin. Scarification is one of the best examples of permanent art but different from tattoos.
Scarification is of numerous types and I’m here to talk about “Body Carving” or “Skin Peeling” or “Skinning” – all different names of the art of Skin Removal. As depicted from the name it a process of skin removal giving yourself an euphoria of pain.
A step-by-step procedure is followed to remove the skin:
1. Area of the skin where the skinning is to be performed is properly cleaned.
2. The design is stenciled on the skin.
3. The design is outlined like a single cutting scarification until reaching the right depth and width.
4. Then the artist begins removing skin slices with the help of a Kocher forceps or dissection clamp. The tissue to be removed is pulled back while “slicing” on the bottom to free the skin from beneath.
Here, in the picture you’ll see the procedure of Body Carving on this lady’s back, while the artist makes a bamboo design to contribute as her backpiece. There is a high risk in skinning and is recommended get it done by only an experienced practioner. Large amount of skin removal is not advisable. As the upper layer of the skin is being removed, therefore, it is very important to follow the aftercare guidelines and hygiene of that area.
If you want to be on the cutting edge — and want to set yourself apart — you can do scarification with more pain than tattoos.
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