Know your Nose Piercing better!

In 22nd century I guess everything will be replaced by electronics – even our jewelry as we see the LED Nose Ring in the above picture. As you breathe the ring glows with the help of a delicate fan structure that transforms exhaled air into electric energy to light up the LED light.
For me simultaneous to the talk of LED nose ring is the nostril piercing. Nostril piercing is very common in India or you can say Hinduism. However, the craze for poked nose is growing day by day and is also slipping into western society.
Hindus believe, a girl with pierced nostril get married sooner than others, as it is a honor to the Parvathi – the goddess of marriage and it also symbolizes a married lady. Moreover, pierced nostril also has medical reason that it makes childbirth easier because Ayurvedic medicine associates this location with the female reproductive organs.
Nostril piercing takes more time (about two to six weeks) to heal than an earlobe because inside area of the piercing takes longer time to heal. So, we suggest you no to change your jewelry frequently till your piercing has 100% healed. At times it also gives a problem during the process of healing as sometimes the thread of the towel or clothing get entangled with the jewelry. Therefore, it is suggested to wear a ring that is in sterling silver.
Over rensing and strong soap is not recommended to clean the piercing. Cleaning of the piercing is little troublesome and is required to be taken special gentle care.
After the piercing is cleaned you can apply an antibiotic ointment.
Piercing Aftercare from Grandmaa’s diary:
Heat pure ghee and turmeric powder in a small bowl and with the help of cotton pat this hot mixture on the pierced area. It will help to reduce pain as well as faster healing.